Every year again ....

The English Immersion Week for the 4th grade is an integral part of our school, and also a highlight in the students' lives. 
The native speakers motivate the children with enticing and interesting project topics, but the focus is certainly on the intensive preparations for the final presentations at the end of the week.  Amusing sketches, funny costumes and props made the audience laugh and applaud vigorously.

Feedback from the kids of the 4a and 4b:

The Native Speakers had many cool project ideas and the games we played were really creative.

I think the best thing of the English week was the presentation on the last day. I liked the teacher. We did lots of productive things. (Simon)

It was great to speak only English for one week to improve our pronunciation. (Emma)

The English week was very cool, because we played a lot of games, and we learned new vocabulary. Moreover, it’s easier to speak fluently now. (Leni)

We played many games and sometimes we went to the gym. At the end of the week, we had presentations. (Caroline)

I really got better in speaking English. (Paul S.)

It was a cool week and now I feel more confident speaking English. (Gregor)

Working in our teams for the sketches that we presented was very nice because we could choose our own team. It was a lot of fun. (Maxi and Michi)
I love the English days taking part every year because they have a lot of relaxing vibes. (Leo)

It was a really enjoyable week! The teachers were very friendly and funny. (Valentina)

I really enjoyed the week because we could improve our speaking skills. I really liked the musical part and the group activities. (Nino)

In the end, I want to say that I would always sign up for English Weeks. (Oskar)

Article by Simon Dornstädter, Dagmar Wiplinger, Anna Leitner-Wolfinger and Nathalie Klammer 


1. Stunde: 07.55 - 08.45 Uhr
2. Stunde: 08.50 - 09.40 Uhr
3. Stunde: 09.45 - 10.35 Uhr
Große Pause
4. Stunde: 10.55 - 11.45 Uhr
5. Stunde: 11.50 - 12.40 Uhr
6. Stunde: 12.40 - 13.30 Uhr

Der Nachmittagsunterricht beginnt je nach Möglichkeit um 13.10 oder um 14.00 Uhr.


Adalbert Stifter Praxismittelschule

Salesianumweg 5, A-4020 Linz
+43 732 77 26 66 - 4751

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